What are Your Legacy Goals?
You have worked hard to build a comfortable life for you and the people you love. Planning an estate is just a bunch of directions about who gets what, right? WRONG!!
Your legacy is so much more than just who gets your possessions. You have an opportunity to pass on your values and wisdom to your loved ones. You have the opportunity to show that you care about them by creating a plan that will make sure that when you die or become disabled, their lives will not be disrupted. They will know exactly what needs to be done, without interruption to your support of them. They will not waste endless hours simply trying to find your possessions. You can make sure that your loved ones do not have to spend unnecessary time administering your estate in a public probate court proceeding – a public proceeding that has become even more public now that many probate courts broadcast their proceedings over the internet.
Your death or disability will already be a time of stress and mourning to your family. It does not have to include the confusion and stress of dealing with forms, proceedings, and timelines imposed by law.
Your legacy goals are to let your family remember you – not the headache surrounding the administration of your estate.
We are professional planners
David G. Carter is your Personal Family Lawyer® at Carter Law. We will educate you, take the time to get to know you, your family, your concerns, your goals and your issues and will gladly and patiently answer all your questions to produce an estate plan that is exactly right for you and will keep your loved ones out of court and out of conflict.
Planning for Everyone You Love and Everything You Have
Do you know exactly what would happen for everyone you love and everything you own if something unexpected happened to you? If you don’t, the first step is to get informed about exactly what would happen, legally and financially, so you can decide if that’s okay.
The Your Legacy Goals Planning Process
We conduct a Family Wealth Planning Session, where we spend time together and you’ll get informed. Before your Family Wealth Planning Session, you will complete a Family Wealth Inventory and Assessment, which will help you to get clear about what you own and what you have to think about when it comes to planning for the well-being and care of your loved ones. If what would happen matches your goals, you’re all set and you leave with peace of mind. If you decide the current state of affairs is unacceptable, and if we both decide it’s a fit to work together, then we can design an estate plan together that will best suit the needs of your family.